A VoIP Phone Makes Working from Home Good for Business & Good for Employees!
Companies That Utilize a VOIP Phone for Telecommuters...
Reduce their need for expensive office space, furniture, utilities, etc. The IP phone system will let you answer, make or transfer calls to any other extension on the system. Outside callers will have no idea where the employee is located.
Be Productive...
Since the telecommuter is using an extension of the same Voice over IP system that is located in the office, employers will use the same software tools to measure productivity. Companies won't be in the dark as to how their telecommuters are performing.
Eliminate Geographical Barriers...
Companies will have a world of options when it comes to hiring employees. Telecommuters can be located almost anywhere they have a high speed inter-net connection.
The Best People...
Companies that utilize telecommuters will be more attractive to potential employees because the benefits that working from home provides.
For Today and Tomorrow...
Voice over IP is good for the environment, reducing the number of vehicles on the road, decreasing emissions, and improving your corporate image at the same time.

Look at these VOIP Phone capable system packages.
The "Win Win" of Telecommuting...
- Telecommuters will enjoy not sitting in traffic every morning and evening. This will definitely improve the quality of life for these employees while other people are driving home. Telecommuters are already home enjoying time with their families.
- Telecommuters will save money on gas, and wear and tear on their vehicles.
- Since the telecommuter has the same feature set on their VoIP phone as employees in the office, they can be just as effective.
- Telecommuters will definitely enjoy the extra tax advantage having a home office provides.
Learn how customers are using SIP Trunking to "LOWER" monthly telecom expenses!
What else could you ask for?...Happy employees that get to spend more time with their families and companies that can decrease the costs related to their employees without compromising productivity.