VoIP Phones...
The comfort that comes with familiarity plus " all the little perks"
Low learning curve...
Most of the manufacturers of business phone systems produce proprietary VoIP Phones based on the design of their original system phones. While all phone systems operate differently, operating the Voice over IP system won't be any more difficult than what you're already used to.
Move when you need to move...
In the office, VoIP phones give employees flexibility when relocating because no matter what location on the local area network the phone is connected to, all of that phone's programming will stay with the IP phone. With most traditional phones the programming is associated with the jack the phone is connected to. Moving an extension usually requires a service technician to come to your site to move an employee's phone, adding to the expense related to your phone system.

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Plug your computer into your phone...
Some manufactures, like Panasonic, have a jack that is built into the phone. So you plug your IP phone into the network and your computer into your phone. This will eliminate the need for both a phone and data cable at every location; which means you pay less for cabling your office.
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You don't have to be in the office to be in the office...
Outside of the office owners and employees using an IP phone, will enjoy all the features and benefits of the Voice over IP system that in the past was reserved only for on site employees.
With any organization that has call center requirements, VoIP phones can reduce geographical limitations, expanding a company's options when hiring employees. Don't worry Managers, the same software tools you use to measure productivity for on site employees can be utilized for off site employees as well.
You don't need all that equipment...
In smaller satellite offices, IP phones can be used to eliminate the need for another small business phone system and voice mail. Some manufactures, like Mitel, make a device that will allow for the connection of local outside lines from the satellite office to the home office. This gives the home office much more control and management capability over their satellite office's communications platform, because they're both on the same Voice over IP system.